The title of this phlog is stolen from Eric Hansen's book of the same name, which describes his adventures in Yemen long before my time there. I used his book as a reference in planning my trip. My current employer and inability to write as well both prohibit me from offering the same quality of narrative as in his book, so this site is instead intended to help me share my photos with friends, family and fellow travelers. Enjoy!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hyenas in Harar

Outside the walls of Islam's fourth-holiest city, Harar's Hyena Man feeds the animal with the world's strongest jaws directly from his mouth nightly. You can too, if you dare.

One of the things I like most about travel in places like this is that you actually get to exercise your own sense of judgment--for better or worse. If you're paying for the experience, nobody is going to tell you that it's illegal to walk off the trail, or even that it's unwise to feed wild hyenas raw strips of beef from your mouth. It's up to you to draw your own line of comfort, which is something I appreciate every time DC's monument guards tell me to stand 10 feet back from a ledge.

I didn't dare to put raw Ethiopian beef in my mouth or kiss Africa's ugliest animal, but I got enough of a thrill just hand-feeding the monsters.